Every choice needs a voice, whether for advertising, E-learning, IVR, Corporate... 
LDV Voices and Choices is first and foremost, 
the voice of Luc de Villars, my voice. 
But it's also a casting director's service to put together a tailor-made team, in French or English, including sound engineers, translators and interpreters, and then make the Choice, for the Voice of your project. 

The I.A impact in the Voice market. 
After a year, i'm having a blast. 

After 1 year of A.I. being well established in the world of voice, I'm not at all worried, and after a year, I have to believe that A.I. in the field of art, be it image, writing or voice, reaches its limit very quickly.

A computer-generated voice, even a cloned one, can't make precise variations, and at least not for a good hundred years. A.I. can't use emotion, so for audio books, even voice-overs or dubbing, I'm really not worried, because the results of computer-generated voices are simply mediocre.

What's more, A.I. is sold in the same way as one wants to sell one's image in Fiction, but in reality, it's very limited and not super-efficient. 
There was the same boom for Augmented Reality, in 2024, who's using it? 
The same goes for Virtual Reality, the future of cinema and gaming. 
And well, Sony has decided to drop the ball on VR for the PS5, which is to say, only META is left hanging on by a thread, but do you know at least 5 people who use a VR headset to go into the Metaverse?

That's what I thought :)

Since the beginning of 2024, more than 82% of customers who had preferred A.I. voice have since given up, reverting to the human voice, even human translation, and even answering machine voice companies, that's to say... 
As for the 18%?  Unfortunately they've gone out of business, which is what happens when you want the easy way out and a fake/cheap/weak look, to present a project or do your company's image/voice.


No, I'm not worried about my work because it's not even competition, especially, if in less than a year, this technology is already showing its limits.

And there was an important point.
The people who sell A.I. voices or voice cloning software are salesmen, not actors, not people with an apprenticeship in playing on emotions, or years of voice-over practice.



Latest Achievements

I grew up watching horror films and for a kid of the 90's I am now a voice in the game DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, by Behaviour Interactive with the legendaries Monsieur Bruce Campbell and Monsieur Doug Bradley, as long time fan of Evil Dead and Hellraiser, now i'am a part of the family, WHAT A THRILL! 

I am the voice of the survivor Vittorio Toscano.

I am also the French voice of Ciro in Dying Light 2, one of my favorite zombie game since 2015 and the 2nd one ? I LOVE IT and now i'm in it ? ! YES !! 

You may click on the photo and you will be sent on the youtube video according to my  voice work on it. 

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